Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random Ramblings

It seems there is a lot of thought to having a home made home...It's funny how much you don't really feel the need for if it's up to you to produce it. It's too easy to walk through a store and decide you really love, want, or even "need" an item sitting upon the shelf. Now that I've rearranged the bathroom to where there is more space - we now can use the built in corner shelves for more of an attractive display of items to be stored there. I'd like to crochet an edging for the shelves. I've already purchased the thread - a sage green. Now, the task gets seriously involved. I have to find a pattern I can use that I would want displayed. Plus, it should be one I can work into a curtain to cover the bottom shelf of the unit - since it only displays a venting hose for the heat to DD's bedroom. Hey - that's not my design. It's just a hidey hole for the kittens, and an unsightly dust collector. It will look much better hidden from view.

I would also like to crochet a bathroom rug - the one we have now is functional enough, though we purchased it with the intention of moving it to the hall between the side door and kitchen.

**Please note - this post was interrupted by a kitchen table session with my youngest - he did homework, I wrote letters and prepared for the trip to the market...and then I went to the market. Randomness of this post may therefore be intensified....**

Well, despite saving $36 and change between coupons and purchasing only items we needed that were on sale - I still feel I spent way too much money for what I got. Depressing. I did get a gallon of milk for $.99, and a $12.99 razor for $2.99 (it was on sale for $6.99 and I had a $4 coupon) But - everything else just added up so quickly. Granted, I do tend to purchase in bulk - and I did get a few items to add to the pantry for future use. I have to admit - I don't get out much. Esp. in the winter months. But, I saw jars of spaghetti sauce for $6-$8. Granted, I purchased the $.99 per can sauce. I'm only going to doctor it to our tastes any way... As always, a trip to the market further solidifies my determination to have an extensive garden...well, as extensive as we can get with our postage stamp of a yard. Bordering more on the side of intensive gardening, I think.

At the market, I did qualify for a $10 gas card I'll have to mail away for. Even though we do not drive ourselves - the card will still come in handy for when we catch a ride, or for Dh's carpooling to work. Ten dollars is Ten dollars. I'm really not sure how that fits in with my tracking our spending though...I guess, it counts - we will spend the gas card, saving us the cash...

Fun as it's been. I think I'm going to put this randomness away for now, and start searching for the edging pattern I started the day out thinking of...

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