Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Home Management Binder

I'm working on my Home Management binder - no photo's as of yet - it's hardly anything you'd actually want to view at this, I've lent my camera out until Saturday. I've decided to use those pages you keep collectible cards in for my weekly routines. There is just no way for me to keep the same routine week to week. Plus, with gardening and crafting seasons - it's bound to vary. Yes, I am the type to have to schedule those things in, or else they will end up being put off until everything else is "done" ... I really should know better by now, I know.
Here are sites I am using for inspiration for my binder.

Organized Home - free printable forms, weekly/daily/and seasonal routine ideas.

FlyLady-free printable forms, routine ideas, baby step encouragement if you're just getting started in time management at home.

The Family Homestead menu planning, shopping for 2 weeks at a time, free printables, recipes for MYO cleaners, and lots of inspiration.

Keeping the Home A must see - gives a good idea of how personal a binder really is. Between them all (and there is more if you choose to google for more) it gives a good idea of the many ways they can be put together. Do take the time to look around. The idea is to create something that will work for you.
I suggest you start small - the FlyLady site has wonderful basic routines to use. Keep track of your time for a week or so - see what it is you do have done, and how often. Then take a look at it and see if there is anything you feel you are missing you need to fit into the routine. Many times I see Vacuum on a weekly schedule - this would not work for me. We live in a very small home with 2 cats and a dog...if I were to vacuum weekly we'd all be in jeopardy of needing a flea dip! Well, we'd be fuzzy for sure any way.

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